Backstage @ Upstage

Size Matters! Small Cell Neuroendocrine Tumors Pack A Mighty Wallop
HOST: Hildy Grossman, CO-HOST: Jordan Rich
GUESTS: Carl Gay, MD, MD Anderson, Misty Shields, MD, Ph.D., Indiana University Simon Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Hildy shares her experience of losing a friend who was diagnosed with neuroendocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal system. Knowing that neuroendocrine cells are present in the lungs prompted Hildy to wonder if lung cancer drugs would possibly be viable in treating her friend’s condition. This podcast looks at small cell lung cancer which is a kind of aggressive neuroendocrine tumor and less aggressive, carcinoid neuroendocrine tumors. Experts Dr. Carl Gay and Dr. Misty Shields discuss how little is known about the neuroendocrine system, even among oncologists. Neuroendocrine small cell tumors in the lungs and other areas of the body are associated with tobacco use and vaping. The less aggressive, low grade, carcinoid tumors have unclear causes. The discussion includes how these tumors are diagnosed, challenges for treatment, drug resistance and recurrence. Our guests also highlight the importance of research, and new therapies that give hope to these patients.