Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

Open Crowd Source S2E4 – Bianca Devins

November 29, 2015

Before I tell you all about this week's episode, please allow me to unveil a new milestone for our show:

Yes, Troels has created a lovely piece of cover art for this week's game design. Oh, incidentally, that picture is NSFW.

This latest episode also marked another first for Open Crowd Source. You may remember that we had originally announced that the guest this week was to be Will O'Neill, creator of "Actual Sunlight", and Will was as excited about his appearance as we were.

Unfortunately, he got in touch with us less than 24 hours before the show to let us know that he would have to bow out due to circumstances beyond his control. Will was very gracious, asked us to extend his apologies to everyone who was looking forward to that episode, and we are definitely reserving a spot for him in season 3. But it meant that we had no guest lined up for this episode anymore.

At the 11th hour, mere hours before we were going to start taping "Open Crowd Source S2E4 - The One Without A Guest", Bianca and Brian Devins from the Square Waves FM podcast luckily came to the rescue. You may remember both of them from their slightly chaotic season one apperance. The chaos of that episode since led us to conclude that one guest per episode works the best, so it was decided to have Bianca join, with her husband sitting this one out in favour of a season 3 appearance. To our own surprise, we are clearly already booking the next season.

It turned out to be fortuitous that we got Bianca on. The woman has got a dirty mind, and nothing could have prepared us for the OCS Machine cranking up the heat to deliver a steamy tale about the... recreational activities of Marie Antoinette. The gentlefolk over on the IRC channel didn't make matters less puerile. The end result is arguably the raunchiest thing we've ever done, and it's currently viewable on YouTube, though god knows how long that will last:

As usual, you will find the audio version below this post.

We are truly grateful that Bianca was able to join us at such short notice. We also really want to apologise to France, our respective parents, and to your traumatised children who are currently reading this over your shoulder. Hi, kids. You're probably about to be grounded.