Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

Open Crowd Source S2E2 – Jacob Janerka

November 15, 2015

Is Jacob sitting on his butt? Well, at the time of writing, he is not. He is actually sound asleep, having just participated in the second episode of season two of "Open Crowd Source".

For some odd reason, Jacob was looking forward to his guest appearance on our show to the point where he sat down at 2 AM to join us. Furthermore, the poor guy ran headfirst into a barrage of audio and lag issues. It's almost as if Google hates Australians, isn't it?

But then something magic happened; as if recognising the troubles Jacob was going through to be there, the Open Crowd Source Machine spat out just the right cards to cater to our guest's insane imagination and drawing chops. Specifically, we wound up with a game about a bunch of Australian schoolchildren accidentally killing their teacher with the aid of a venomous spider, propping his dead body up on rollerblades and puppeteering his mortal remains in an effort to romance the school principal.

Yes, you read all of that right, believe it or not. You can watch us all have a laugh over the sheer insanity of this game design here:

I personally recommend that you go for the video version, even if you prefer listening to the audio version normally. Jacob's concept art for this game, and our reaction to it, is not to be missed. And if you are as infatuated with the way this man's brain works as we are, go pre-order his adventure game "Paradigm". There's even a demo for you to play, proving that the people down under certainly do work in mysterious ways.

We will be back with more "Open Crowd Source" next week! Till then, try not to eat any Redback spiders.