Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

Open Crowd Source S1E5 – Josh Mandel

September 20, 2015

The Open Crowd Source Machine has shown us some quite spectacular things thus far. We have seen the Pope from Boston busting for a piss. We have seen Gandhi swim across the Pacific. We have been to an East German antique shop with a serial masturbator. We have gazed upon punk chicks in Mexican food. So where do we go from here?

The only logical answer, of course, is that we co-design a game with Josh Mandel - he of Sierra fame - in which Adolf Hitler's chain-smoking brain is watched over by evil alien overlords in an underground Gobi Desert complex. There's also a dim-witted protagonist, a smoking camel (geddit?) brandishing a yarmulke band-aid, and lots of puzzles involving sand.

I do not exaggerate when I write - with all due respect to our wonderful guests so far - that this is the best episode of Open Crowd Source as of yet. Plain and simple, this is exactly why we're doing the show. We were dealt a completely ridiculous hand of cards, and yet, we were able to come up with a skeletal design that, quite frankly, left all of us in awe.

The whole brainstorm, replete with Laura Mandel giving Gene Simmons a run for his money, is available on YouTube:

I think I speak for all three of us when I say that we're beyond grateful for Josh wanting to join us. You're no doubt familiar with the man's previous work, but should you want to stay up-to-date on his current activities, do yourself a favour and look up the game Ember, which Josh is currently working on for N-Fusion Interactive.

That's it for this week. I'm gonna go put the Open Crowd Source Machine back into the garage where it shall remain until next week, where we'll be joined by YouTuber Diana Rose. The final stream link for that episode, if Google permits, is already available on our YouTube channel:

Until then, please feel free to design a game about Adolf Hitler and smoking camels. Peace out.