Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

S2E11 – The Adventure Game Historians

June 11, 2015

A wild Gareth appears!

I do apologize so much for taking that obviously candid photo from a private chat and splashing it all over the internet -- but it was too good not to go there.

And appear he did, on Sunday the 7th of June, at Fred's apartment. For what was ostensibly a social occasion, a decision to record an episode was reached, and we quickly decided on a topic while Fred was still in a somewhat coherent state. (You will notice this state declines sharply as the episode progresses.)

The topic was "history in adventure games" -- as in historical events that would make good adventure games -- and this was a perfect fit as Gareth, indeed, holds a Ph.D. in History.

He does, however, also perform what Fred and I think is the absolutely side-splittingly hilarious role of Pete Toleman, CEO of Priapic Mountain, and the opportunity to conduct an "interview" with the man/myth/legend while he was in the room was just too good to pass up. So that's why the first 20 minutes of the video episode consists pretty much exclusively of Fred having a beer on camera, or having a piss off-camera.