Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

S2E10 – Narration (interpolating ‘When connections go to shit’)

June 03, 2015

Finally, we can put the past behind us and get back to discussing what we do best: Minute details in adventure games that turn out to be much grander and with many more facets than we could anticipate.

Case in point: The narrator in a game. On the surface, a simple discussion about the pros and cons of first person vs. third person narration.

Turns out there are many degrees of first person narration. And once we bring the discussion round to whether or not this creates a fourth-wall breaking disconnect with the player, well, that's when we each reach for our beers and try to bring some levity to the situation: Fred with his Christopher Lee impression, and me by suggesting that Frank Miller should be anally violated with a pineapple.

As you can tell, we're in for quite the sobering educational romp. But, before all of that, we also have to deal with the dreaded technical demon of fucked internet connectivity! Oh god. The rage. How it burns and boils!