Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

S2E9 – Sound Design pt 2

May 16, 2015

This is probably the hardest post I have yet had to write. For my task is to convince you to watch/listen to the trainwreck that was the latest episode of Back Seat Designers.

Let me provide some background info, so we have the Clusterfuck Chronicles collected in one place. You'll no doubt remember that we had been titilating you with the prospect of a guest appearance by a friend of Troels, who's also an acquaintance of mine. Anders Bjørn Rørbæk Pedersen, AKA Audiolog was going to make an apperance in order to discuss adaptive sound design with us.

Having him as a guest was of special interest, since he is working on a game audio system that has the game events change based on the music and sound. That's essentially the exact opposite of what LucasArts' iMUSE system did, so we felt this was gonna be an interesting little excursion into something that could be hugely interesting to apply in an adventure game.

So we made plans and Audiolog was into it. Troels got himself spectacularly blitzed in cheapo plastic bottle beer and asked me to take the word this time around - I'm gonna get into that later - and we were both ready to pull off an episode for the ages.