Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

S2E8 – Sound Design pt 1

May 13, 2015

Somehow we neglected to post our latest episode here. Which is really inexcusable and we feel really horrible. (Not really.)

Last week, we somewhat drowsily (Fred had just moved, and I was just oddly tired) talked about sound design -- ostensibly in adventure games, but the conversation really went further into general computer game sound design, with some talk about music synthesizers and the art of film scoring thrown in for good measure.

Near the end of it, we decided that we'd better call it a two-parter (perhaps more), because we didn't even get to talk about anything other than music. And, of course, sound effects and voices are just as integral part of a game's sound design as the music. So we are going to get to those topics in due time.