Back Seat Designers

Back Seat Designers

S1E11 - Blowing Smoke Up Ron Gilbert’s Ass

November 24, 2014

The Back Seat Designers decide to elaborate on the promised Monkey Island episode with the introduction of a concept which Troels likes to call "Blowing Smoke Up X's Ass" where X is a legendary (and, after each episode, traumatised) adventure game designer. And the first legend to be subjected to the Back Seat Designers' misplaced love is Monkey Island designer Ron Gilbert.Over the course of ~50 minutes, the Back Seat Designers discuss Ron Gilbert's body of work, including Monkey Island, Maniac Mansion, The Cave, his weight loss (?!) and the recently Kickstarted Thimbleweed Park. Topping it all off, they also attempt to play a game invented by Frederik called Baldwinian Roulette. Because, actually, it's about ethics in games journalism.