Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

They Stacked the Deck

February 04, 2015

On January 9, my world imploded as my home was first hit with a blocked pipe that backed up into the ceiling and as the water ran over the electrical wiring, an electrical fire started in the foyer. As I moved my family to safety, I wasn't worried about the financial impact because I had homeowners insurance and they were going to take care of me. 

HA! I was about as young and naive as the young lady who believes that her Prince Charming is going to ride in on a white horse and save her. Yes, I was that naive woman who believed that my insurance company was going to take care of me during my crisis.  Just like the young woman who is always disappointed when there is no Prince Charming, I was saddened, disillusioned, and jaded that State Auto, my home owner's insurance company was playing the "Vendor Game of Stacked Decks".

As I spent the past three weeks talking to flooring experts and contractors, State Auto had a set price that they were going to pay for reconstruction and repairs.  Had I known that there was a stacked deck, I would have simply asked for the stacked deck but I thought we were all playing fair. The final blow came today when they told me that they were not going to pay to repair my ceiling joists. Silly, stupid, naive me...I thought this was a game of taking care of the homeowner.

So this is that podcast--the one that every podcaster makes at some point that slams a company. And correction--I don't have 279,000 listeners--I have 297,633 PODCAST ADOVCATES who will share this story so that no one else has to feel this pain. This is THAT PODCAST where I am podcasting about what is real in my world at the moment. This is THAT PODCAST where my editing isn't perfect, my voice is about to crack and I am seconds away from crying.  THIS IS THAT PODCAST.  They stacked the deck and I lost.

Thank you Jennifer and Gabriel Johnson for tonight's intro and outro music! Check out this duet on YouTube: