Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Transforming Yourself with Jody Rose

January 15, 2015

Are you ready to change? The first episode of Transforming Yourself, a radio show about you, explores what it means to make the positive choice to change your life.  In this episode, some of the things you'll learn include how to think about risk as something that could happen, but that didn’t happen, and how to move through fear successfully by first identifying what it is you're afraid of.  You'll also learn how to listen to your intuition, and why positively adapting to change means not seeing things as "good" or "bad."  The stories and exercises give you the option to write things down about your life, because when you write things down, they become real. 

Find out more about Jody Rose Helfand, MA, MFA, author, professor, and keynote speaker at and