Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Back2UsShow_Reflections with Annise and Sharon

September 04, 2014

It has been a few months since it was just the two of us with a mic...and so much has changed.   We've added three new hosts to the network, hired a Director of Marketing and Brand Development, rolled out a new logo, and recently began working on the website the radio network.  Our personal lives have been just as busy as our network life not to mention all of the stuff going on in Washington, DC right now!  I'm just going to say that if Sharon keeps acting the way she is about the Affordable Health Care Act that I'm going to pull a Cryus and start a Kill Folder on Sharon Smith (LOL)! That's right fans...tune in to the original Back2Us Show with Annise and Sharon this Sunday at 6:30pm.Â