Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Transgender Thursdays_Tye Spills the "T" on the Art of Transliness

September 04, 2014

In this hour, feel free to drink some "T", spill some "T", embrace the "T", and last but not least,we will learn to understand and love the "T".

If someone is venting on social media about how difficult it is to “pass†or how horrendous it is that no one takes them seriously when it comes to their transition, you see a slew of responses telling the poster that all will be well once they get their magical shot of “Tâ€. Even if someone is just depressed in general, they are told that everything in their life will magically get better once they take hormones. It’s like the transgender community rewrote the famous Beatles song “All You Need is Love.â€

Tonight on Tye Spills the "T", Jayden Spann and Aryah Lester will join us to talk about their journey and share some practical advice on how we can all work together to suppot and empower each other.