Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Transgender Thursday Tye Spills the "T"

September 04, 2014

In this hour, feel free to drink some "T", spill some "T", embrace the "T", and last but not least, we will learn to understand and love the "T".  That's right!!


It's Transgender Thursday with Tye and Mike.


Tonight, in respect to the recent release of the #Trans100 List, we will discuss the acknowledgement and recognition of trans* individuals and if there is space for gender non-conforming individuals to receive accolades in the mainstream. We will interview Jen Richards, of We Happy Trans and the Trans 100.


Jen Richards lives in the Andersonville neighborhood of Chicago and is quite happily in an asymptotic relationship to radical authenticity and in a permanent state of aporia. Jen is unabashedly proud to be a graduate of Shimer College, longtime member of the Theosophical Society in America, and an Outward Bound alum, has published articles, led workshops and presented talks on a variety of topics across the country, and relishes her work in the arts as the Managing Director of eighth blackbird and President of New Music Chicago.  She humbly requests your latitude as she figures out what the hell she is doing, and remains genuinely open to feedback.  She earnestly loves truth, beauty and goodness. She also loves you, madly. 


Tune in as we open up our lives and our experiences!!