Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Teko's Corner- The Myths About Androgyny.

September 04, 2014

The Myths About Androgyny With Nikki Eason and Vjay. 

Androgyny is a gender identity that is distinct from the sex of the body. It is not biological nor is it synonymous with sexual behavior, nor necessarily indicative of sexual preference†(Woodhill & Samuels, 2004). It attempts to defy the traditional gender roles that men and women are assigned since birth. Sex is the inherent biological difference between men and women’s reproductive organs whereas gender is learned as social, psychological, and cultural traits associated with one sex or the other (Bond, 2011). Androgyny attempts to blur the lines between traditional gender roles and to combine masculine and feminine traits in order for a person to reach an ideal state.But this basic definition must necessarily be qualified by recognizing the diverse forms of androgyny. who embodies male and female qualities but must “split†to become creative; a “fusing androgyne,†who must merge with a male or female side of the personality to become bisexual; and a “two in one†androgyne, often represented by a couple that unites in a perfect love.

Tonight, on Teko's Corner, guests Nikki Eason and Vjay will join us to share their journey and to dispel some of the myths about androgyny.Â