Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Community Connections Financial Wellness

September 04, 2014

When you are under financial stress, did you know that this can impact your physical health? According to, "Stress works an elite branch of your body’s military, specially trained to take emergency action in response to major threats. As soon as your brain senses danger, it goes into fight-or-flight mode and sends orders to outposts in the adrenal and pituitary glands to mobilize the hormones adrenaline and cortisol. these in turn send reinforcements to different areas of the body to increase blood pressure, heart rate, and energy for you to either fight or flee with all the might your body can muster. in a crisis, stress jolts us into action to save a life or meet an important deadline" (2012, pg.7)

There is a lot of negative stigma about even considering filing bankruptcy; and, even more misunderstanding about post bankruptcy recovery.  Today, I'm going to spotlight the BEST KEPT SECRET in the bankruptcy circle--attorney Angel Van Wieren.  I will talk about the realities of bankruptcy; and, the questions you need to ask when you are selecting a bankruptcy attorney. 

Angel Van Wieren: 675 Seminole Ave NE #102, Atlanta, GA 30307
(404) 963-7408. 

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