Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

The Strong Stance with Eli Strong

January 03, 2015

America has always been called the "melting pot" but the past few years, that melting pot has reached a boil and if you have been on social media, you've seen all of the hashtags.

Even the Huffington Post recently decided to release an article on the topic of race and dating ( There has been a lot of dialogue about the issue of race and its impact in all facets of life.  On this episode of The Strong Stance, we will open the dialogue on gender, race and interracial dating because the reality is that we aren't as progressive as we like to think we are.  The reality is that race and gender do play critical roles in our relationships and how outsiders view those connections--more than we admit in public, polite society. 

Tune into this show as we talk about the reality and the misconceptions of interracial dating. In what ways do race and gender identity play a role in who we have romantic relationships with? Is the personal really political? And for all the prejudice and expectations that are heaped on couples that come from different backgrounds, is that hardship lessened in the LGBTQ community, or is it just more of the same?