Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Radio

Back2Us Show: Educational Advocacy 101

August 03, 2014

It's that time of year when everyone is on the hunt for the school supply list, the teacher wish list; and, that Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle backpack that Target had online but can't locate in the store (oh wait, that's MY challenge at the moment). 

Seriously, this time of year for many is filled with excitement but for children who learn differently and their parents--there is often very little to be excited about as the fights about homework resume.  

According to a 2010 report from the National Center for Learning Disabilities, nearly 2.4 million students are diagnoised with LD and receive special education services in schools.  

For parents trying to navigate this educational maze to obtain help for their child, it  is often described as the equivilent of attempting to climb Mt. Everest in flipflops.  

What do you need to know to advocate effectively for your child? What is an IEP?  Who is eligible for a 504 plan? Is there really a difference between a 504 Plan and an IEP? What are the first steps in the IEP process? Does it really speed up the process to get your child tested outside of the school system? What are some types of things you as a parent or guardian can ask to have included in the IEP?  We're going to cover all of this and more! 

If you have a child that you believe may need extra help in school to thrive then this show is for you! 

We will have Licensed Psychologist Dr. Arcella Trimble as our guest to help navigate the waters on Educational Advocacy 101 for Parents and Guardians as well as blogger Karen Wesley Weaver.  

Karen's blog, Confessions of An Asperger's Mom ( has been featured on Mamapedia and is listed on the Top Mommy Blogs (yes, please go vote for Confessions of An Asperger's Mom).