Baby Ahoy

2023-05-15 | Baby Ahoy Season 3 – Episode 7 Karoll & Chitra’s conversation – Having a Baby in The Netherlands
This episode is a slightly different one from all the other episodes I have released so for. Today, Karoll (CEO of Parentally) & I are sharing a few important bullet points for the listeners who are planning on Having a Baby in The Netherlands.
Karoll is Madagascaran French living in Amsterdam with her husband Thomas and two Leopold (almost 8yo) and Basile (5). Karoll is the CEO of an online platform called Parentally – Parentally was created with the desire to raise awareness around the diversity and richness of perinatal and parental care available as well as to facilitate the connection between (future) parents and trustworthy practitioners in The Netherlands.
Karoll & I recently participated in Iam the Expat Fair in Amsterdam to talk about How to prepare for giving birth in The Netherlands. The workshop was housefull, and this gave us the idea to record this short informative podcast episode for anyone who is thinking about becoming pregnant or newly pregnant in The Netherlands.
If you have any additional questions or information, please feel free to write to us on or
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Karoll & I met about 6 years ago while she was pregnant with her second child. She wanted to have a Vaginal Birth after a C- section so she and I worked together for her to be prepared for her second birth. If you would like to listen to her episode then please check Episode 9 of Season 2 or click on this link
For more information about my work, Please go to
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