Baby Ahoy

2023-04-15 | Baby Ahoy Season 3 – Episode 5 Joanna’s Home Water Birth Story
This episode is about Joanna’s HypnoBirthing, Home Waterbirth Story. Her story is in two parts, the first part about her, her journey into pregnancy & her birth story.
Joanna is Polish. After living in Dublin & New York City, she currently lives in The Netherlands with her partner, Iacer & her baby, Yiannis. Joanna & I talk about living in NYC during the pandemic and how she & her partner moved back to Amsterdam, their pregnancy story, how they both prepared themselves with HypnoBirthing and how she birthed to her lovely big baby boy, Yiannis.
Trigger Warning – At around 1hr15mins of the episode, Joanna talks about the birth of her baby boy and after the birth of her baby, she had placental hemorrhaging and blood loss post childbirth. We talk at length about what went on those moments and Joanna also shares her partner’s reflection as well. This can be triggering for some please use your discretion to listen to that part of the story.
The Part two of Joanna’s Postpartum journey will be released as the next episode.
Please do give this episode a spin.
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