Baby Ahoy

Baby Ahoy

2023-03-01 | Baby Ahoy Season 3 – Episode 2 Nerys’s Birth & Parenting Journey

February 28, 2023

This episode is about Nerys sharing her Birth & Parenting journey with us.  Born in Wales, Nerys met her Italian partner, Giuliano in the UK in 2008, and moved to The Netherlands with her partner in 2009. After completing a Masters degree, Nerys began her PhD. They welcomed their daughter, Sofia in 2015 following an induction with epidural at the Wilhelmina Kinder Ziekenhuis at Utrecht.

Nerys got in touch with me for her second pregnancy for the birth of their second daughter, Mia, who was born in 2018 at St Antonius Ziekenhuis, Ledische Rijn, Utrecht. Nerys & Giuliano did the HypnoBirthing course with me to have a better birthing experience second time around.  Nerys gave birth to Mia in the water according to their Birth Wishes.  Nerys & I discuss not only her birth journey but also issues with tongue-tie and breastfeeding for both babies, and life as working parents during the pandemic.

Enjoy the episode

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