Baby Ahoy

2022-04-15 | Baby Ahoy Season 2 – Episode 9 Karoll’s VBAC Journey 
This episode is about Karoll sharing her birth stories. Her first Surgical (C-Section) Birth in the US and her second Vaginal Birth after C- Section (VBAC) at the hospital in The Netherlands.
Karoll was born in 1984 in Antananarivo, the capital city of Madagascar to Madagascan parents. She left her home country with her family when she was five years old to move to France so that she and her two brothers could study and grow up there. Her childhood was spent in a small town in the south-west of France until she left home after high school to pursue her studies. She moved to Bordeaux at the age of 16 to start studying at a business school, travelling every semester between France and Germany to obtain her double diploma. During her studies is when she met her now husband, Thomas. After graduation, she and her husband moved in together in Paris to start their professional careers – She in Marketing for the Travel & Tourism industry and him – a career in Procurement that later brought them a stint New York & then a move to Amsterdam. Her job as a marketing consultant for the Travel & Tourism companies stopped abruptly when Covid hit. This disaster turned into an opportunity that she decided to start a platform called Parentally – Parentally was created with the desire to raise awareness around the diversity and richness of perinatal and parental care available as well as to facilitate the connection between (future) parents and trustworthy practitioners. Do check it out.
Karoll has been living in Amsterdam for 7 years now with her husband Thomas and two Leopold (almost 8yo) and Basile (5).
In our conversation Karoll talks about her first birthing experience in the US which was pain centric, unplanned c-section birth after laboring for 37 hours. We then talk about VBAC which is Vaginal Birth After C-section. VBAC resources – If you are interested in knowing more about VBAC births then refer to the following links – offers information and support on many aspects of cesarean and vaginal birth after cesarean, including articles, photos of C-section scars and a C-section birth planA Woman’s Guide to VBAC offers support for decision-making about VBAC versus repeat cesarean section, based on guidance from the National Institutes of Health.
International Cesarean Awareness Network (ICAN) provides information about C-section in the name of preventing unnecessary cesareans, providing support for cesarean recovery and promoting vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) provides childbearing women and maternity care professionals access to research-based information, resources, continuing education and support for VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean)
Evidence Based Birth –
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