The Babe Cave

Latest Episodes
Chrissy Makes Me Laugh
A recap of Chrissy's comedy class graduation at the Punchline in Atlanta. Plus a little snippet of her performance. Thank you to Jeff Dauler and Callie Dauler from The Upside Podcast for recording the performance and sharing the audio.
Baby Showers and IUDs
We start the podcast discussing our time at our friend's baby shower and end it with Tracie's most recent baby preventative appointment. Oh the irony. Tracie's Shop is Closed Ya'll!
Breaking Up is Hard to Do
Summer is finally over and the kids are starting school. Chrissy explains how this season was not all sunshine.
Keanu Reeves is a Treasure
Chrissy had a recent dermatology treatment that makes her entire face peel. Tracie's MIL is staying with her and it is making Tracie think about her retirement. The gals talk Keanu Reeves ,the best Netflix movies/shows,
Back After a Little R&R
Summer with kids can be a challenge but we found some time to sit down and catch up. We missed ya'll! We decided to switch things up and film our podcasts. If you want to watch check out our youtube channel The Babe Cave.
We have been blessed with social media giving us a chance to meet some amazing women. Brittany has to be the funniest person we have ever encountered. She is sarcastic, quick witted, and she has a booming business through Rodan + Fields.
Spice Up Your Marriage
We have some great tips and tricks to keep that flame burning in a marriage or relationship. Dust off your date night clothes and bring back the good ole days when you showered before dinner and actually were the dessert.
Slaying the Mighty Dragon
Recap of Spring Break and a little glimpse into how we met our husbands.