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Mickey Spillane’s Miami (and More) by Shosana Milgram
March 15, 2024

Ayn Rand admired Mickey Spillane as a writer and a crusader: a brilliant literary talent and a moral absolutist. Several of his novels, including the two-book series about Morgan the Raider (a pir

Aristotle’s Method of Scientific Investigation by Gregory Salmieri
January 26, 2024

This lesson explains Aristotles method of scientific investigation, focusing on Aristotles logical worksespecially the Posterior Analytics. Salmieri discusses Aristotles view of the kinds of quest

Aristotle’s Theory of Universals by Gregory Salmieri
January 19, 2024

In this lesson, Salmieri explains Aristotles theory of universals and how that theory makes possible scientific understanding (epistm) of this world based on sense-perception. The lesson explains t

Aristotle on the Different Types of Knowledge by Gregory Salmieri
January 12, 2024

In this lesson, Salmieri discusses Aristotles view of the types and degrees of knowledge. In particular, he explains what is distinctive about the type of knowledge that Aristotle calls epistm (sci

Stoicism and Objectivism on What (and How) to Value by Aaron Smith
January 05, 2024

The ancient Stoics held that we suffer in life because we value the wrong things and/or have the wrong attitude toward our values. If we want to live the good life, they held, we need to radically cha

Augustine’s War Against Earthly Pride by Ben Bayer
December 29, 2023

St. Augustines philosophy marked a decisive turning point in the history of the West, the first systematic repudiation of the ancient Greek philosophical outlook in favor of Christian religion. Augus

The Reading Wars Today by Sam Weaver
December 22, 2023

After decades of debate, and despite the overwhelming strength of the evidence in favor of phonics, reading education is still a controversial topic in the United States. Many educators continue to re

Saving Math from Plato by Harry Binswanger
December 15, 2023

Mathematics is the headquarters of Platonismthe reification of abstractions and the primacy of concepts over percepts. Even Euclid defined line as breadthless length, something not of this world,

Why We Are Losing Our Freedom of Speech by Peter Schwartz
December 08, 2023

Freedom of speech used to be an unquestioned value. Even as society endorsed the use of force in other realms, the individuals right to express ideas freely was widely acknowledged. Today, that right

Happiness II: Objective Confidence by Jean Moroney
November 17, 2023

An important component of happiness is confidence in your future success. How is such confidence possible, especially with ambitious goals that involve significant risks? In this talk, Ms. Moroney wil