A Year Ago Today

A Year Ago Today

Ep. 59: "I couldn't hide it anymore. All my friends knew."

July 27, 2018

16 years ago today…Melanie Elkin checked herself into the intensive eating disorder unit at UCLA medical. This was her second bout of anorexia—at age 12, her parents had taken her out of school and enrolled her in an intensive outpatient program. She recovered well and was able to make it through high school feeling relatively healthy. However, during her freshman year at UC Santa Barbara, she fell back into disordered eating. At the height of her disordered experience, Melanie was over-exercising and consuming only 250 calories a day. After an extended hospital stay and with a lot of support, Melanie was able to begin reclaiming her power.

In this episode, we talk about her healing journey over the last sixteen years and get into how that experience has informed her life’s work, which is all about supporting other women in coming home to their true essence and power.