A World to Win with Grace Blakeley

A World to Win with Grace Blakeley

Latest Episodes

LIFE AFTER BERNIE: An interview with Meagan Day
September 16, 2020

Grace is joined by Meagan Day, co-author of 'Bigger than Bernie' and staff writer at Jacobin Magazine

REMEMBERING DAVID GRAEBER: with Astra Taylor, Jerome Roos and James Schneider
September 09, 2020

Grace hosts a show paying tribute to leftist anthropologist David Graeber, who died this month.

THE GREAT WORLD BANK ROBBERY: an interview with Walden Bello
September 02, 2020

Grace Blakeley speaks to author and activist Walden Bello about the fight against neoliberal globalisation

NEOLIBERAL AUTHORITARIANISM: an interview with Guillaume Long
August 26, 2020

Grace discusses the rise of Latin America's new right-wing with Guillaume Long, former foreign minister of Ecuador under Rafael Correa.

PROUDLY SOCIALIST: a conversation with Jeremy Corbyn
August 19, 2020

The former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn joins Grace Blakeley to discuss Corbynism and the global pandemic

Introducing 'A World to Win'
August 17, 2020

Promo episode with Grace Blakeley