A Woman in the Woods Podcast

A Woman in the Woods Podcast

Who Am I? EP002

January 14, 2020

So, who am I? I am an artist, a writer, an educator, and a bit of a techie. That’s a simple way to describe what I do with my life, but those things are not really who I am. I do feel great joy when I am painting, or turning wood, writing chapters for a new book, teaching others how to perform a difficult task, or building a website, but all those things sit on the periphery of who I really am. I can best describe myself as a complicated human being, one with many layers that tend to hide the core of me that was formed by both positive and negative emotional life experiences. If I was tasked to form a descriptive sentence of myself, I would say I am an intelligent, artistic, stubborn, empathic, grounded, strongly opinionated, internal, humorous, defender of the underdog...(Read more in my show notes on my website: awomaninthewoods.com)
Question of the week: . “What scares you the most about spending time alone in nature?” And if this idea doesn’t scare you, then, “What is your biggest fear in life?” Or, you can answer both.
You can email your responses to: tracy@awomaninthewoods.com or call in and leave a voicemail response through Speakpipe. The URL for speakpipe is: speakpipe.com/awomaninthewoods. 

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