Awesome Friday Podcast

Awesome Friday Podcast

Episode 65: Captain America The Winter Soldier, Amazing Spider-Man 2, The Last Of Us, Drinking Buddies, Star Wars and Fantastic Four Casting

May 09, 2014

It's time again for another episode of the Awesome Friday Podcast! This week we're talking about Captain America: The Winter Soldier as Simon has finally seen it, The Amazing Spider-Man 2 which I try to convince Simon not to see, The game The Last Of Us which one of us finally finished, The film Drinking Buddies which Simon loved, and casting news about the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot and Star Wars Episode VII

We ramble on for 90+ minutes this episode so pour yourself a cup of tea and get comfy!

You may want to peruse what we've already written on these topics before you listen:

Review: Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Review: The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Awesome: Reg E. Cathey Cast in Fantastic Four Reboot!
Here Is The Cast of Star Wars Episode VII
The New Republic: Star Wars Episode VII Cast In Focus
Dear Mr Abrams: Please Remember How To Use The Mystery Box To Positive Effect](

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Meanwhile, sit back, relax and enjoy your flight.