Self-Awareness for Everyone

Self-Awareness for Everyone

Latest Episodes

S1 Ep 15: What is Your Why?
June 17, 2022

Why do you desire the things you desire? When you were a child, you believed you could do anything. Hell, you may even have believed that you could fly. You were open and eager and ready to explore and experience all the amazingness that life could offer

S1 Ep 14: Positivity, Toxic Positivity, and Positive Intention
June 10, 2022

Why does the world need more positivity? Being virtually gut-punched constantly takes a toll on everyone. And that is why positive intention matters more now than ever. Positivity empowers. It is an open door, a window to the world, an option that feels g

S1 Ep 13: Separating Self-Care from Selfishness
June 03, 2022

There is nothing selfish about self-care We’re told that we should not put ourselves first. Instead, we should put our children, loved ones, family, friends, bosses, coworkers, country, religion, God, and everyone and everything else that you can think of

S1 Ep 12: Self-Awareness and Your Subconscious Mind
May 27, 2022

Everyone has the same 3 states of mind ·        Unconsciousness is that which you do purely automatically. Overall breathing, swallowing, digesting, and similar things your mind and central nervous system do unaided. ·        Subconsciousness is where you

S1 Ep 11: Depression is a Lying Liar the Lies a Lot
May 20, 2022

You Do Not Suffer Depression Alone Recognizing this can help you turn to people when it strikes and find better ways to cope with and combat it. Call it what you will, depression is something far more people cope with than you might realize. This is a ver

S1 Ep 10: You’re Not the Only One Feeling the Feelings You’re Feeling
May 13, 2022

You are not the only one feeling frequently distraught and uncertain The starting point for dealing with feeling frequently distraught, uncertain, and otherwise negative is self-care. Who is in your head? You. And you’re it. There is nobody else in there.

S1 Ep 9: Health, Wellness, Wellbeing, and Self-Awareness
May 06, 2022

Getting healthy is physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual There are things that you and I can do on our own to work on getting healthy on all levels. Allow me to further illustrate this below. Physical health Eat healthy food. Move, get exercise regul

S1 Ep 8: How Does Gratitude Create Sustainability?
April 29, 2022

Thank you is one of the most powerful phrases you can say I believe that these are the three most powerful phrases anyone can employ: ·        I am ·        I love you ·        Thank you All three are empowering. Each of them is an ultimate generator of c

S1 Ep 7: 5 Universal but Unpleasant Truths About Your Self
April 22, 2022

Self-awareness is for everyone Self-awareness is available to and for everyone. This is not something reserved for the super-intelligent, uber-rich, or otherwise privileged. No matter where you come from or who you are you are capable of being aware. The

S1 Ep 6: How Does Accountability Empower Us?
April 15, 2022

Accountability is an important aspect of self-awareness and mindfulness Taking responsibility for your thoughts, feelings, and actions matters in all you do. Modern society hates to be accountable. But damn, do they love to blame. When you are mindful, yo