Self-Awareness for Everyone

Self-Awareness for Everyone

New Year, New Opportunities

January 03, 2020

Welcome to Awareness for Everyone, an exploration of Conscious Reality Creation, and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I am MJ Blehart, writer, blogger, editor, and 21st century philosopher. Episode 38 – New Year, New Opportunities.
Welcome to 2020
One of the cool things about this year is the symbolism of 2020 and 20/20 perfect vision. The jokes and puns are sure to get more prevalent going forward.
But the question becomes, will you use this to see more clarity and perspective, or muddiness and disillusionment? Will perfect vision in this year be of positive things or negative? Are you going to use this “vision” to look ahead with foresight rather than look backward with clear hindsight?
Everybody perceives reality in their own way. How I see something is not how you see it. How we may both see something is going to differ for others. There are more than 7 billion people on this planet, and each one has their own unique perception.
Mindfulness and the New Year
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” – Albert Einstein
This is a matter of your thoughts, feelings, and actions, which belong to you and only you. The practice of mindfulness is using awareness of these to alter your reality. Consciousness creates reality when you are mindful or conscious of it.
Hindsight gets colored by perception. This is why you get people who believe in happier, simpler times of yesteryear that never truly existed. Or perhaps they did exist but were overshadowed by racism, sexism, inequality, and other important matters that have become better acknowledged now.
Taking actions
When you take an action, any action, it is powerful. You don’t just consider or think about an idea. You do something about it. It is for you to act.
Action is powerful. It is also one part of the practice of mindfulness, along with thoughts and feelings. Actions belong to you and you alone, in that you are the only one who can choose to take them…or not.
“Do, or do not – there is no try.” – Yoda
There is nobody but you inside your own head. The thoughts, feelings, and actions belong strictly to you and nobody else. While that might be a cause to feel lonely it’s actually a very good thing. Why? Because that means you get to choose what is best for you and what you will do.
Try and fail, or don’t try at all. Your choice. It’s up to you.
Thank you for listening to Awareness for Everyone, a discussion of Conscious Reality Creation and living the best lives we can for ourselves. I want to thank Fe Mahoney, the artist who created my outstanding cover art. If you would like to commission work from her, contact her at If you have questions or comments you can contact me via Facebook at blehartmj, on Twitter at mjblehart, or e mail me at Please take a moment to check out my blog, The Ramblings of the Titanium Don, at, as well as my articles on as MJ Blehart. Thank you, and I hope you are discovering how mindful awareness is something everyone can practice to improve your life.