Awaken Natchitoches

Awaken Natchitoches

Latest Episodes

FAQ: Wisdom & Trusting God
July 25, 2022

The key to knowing what is best is knowing God.

FAQ: The Universe & Creation
July 18, 2022

Faith in God doesn't mean you have to check your brain at the door.

FAQ: Spirit & Soul
July 11, 2022

Becoming more like Jesus starts within you, and then is expressed outwardly.

FAQ: God's Plans & Our Prayers
July 04, 2022

Discovering God's plan for your life isn't a formula, but a relationship. (Psalm 37:1-7)

FAQ: Heaven & Hell
June 27, 2022

True faith isn't based on punishment or rewards, but love. (Matthew 25:31-46(

Josiah: Unlikely Leader
June 13, 2022

With the Holy Spirit of God with you, you have what it takes to lead others, however unlikely it may seem. (2 Chronicles 34)

Jephthah: From Zero to Hero
June 06, 2022

God turns rejection into redemption! (Judges 11:1-33)

Scars: Scarred by Grief
May 23, 2022

Death is a part of life, and the grief that goes with it. With Jesus you are never alone in your grief. (John 11:1-44)

Scars: Scarred by Sin
May 16, 2022

Sin leaves scars that remind us that we're not perfect; the good news is Jesus welcomes broken people (and so do we!) John 8:1-11.

Scars: Physical Scars
May 09, 2022

Our physical scars remind us that healing does happen, and can happen in every way we get wounded. (John 5:1-15)
