Founders and Funders

Founders and Funders

Latest Episodes

BONUS EPISODE: Celebrating the First Anniversary of Spirits & Startups in Boston
November 06, 2019

Conversations from Alumni Ventures Group's largest event yet

EP 55: Cancer, Chemo, and a Quest to Disrupt Clinical Trials
September 10, 2019

EP 56: Cancer, Chemo, and a Quest to Disrupt Clinical Trials

EP 53: How Mission Bio is Helping Physicians Beat Cancer
July 30, 2019

EP 53: How Mission Bio is Helping Physicians Beat Cancer

EP 52: How Dartmouth Grads Leveraged Tech to Clean the Laundry Business
July 24, 2019

EP 52: Using Technology to Put the Dry Cleaning Industry on “Rinse and Repeat”

EP 54: Why Catherine Lu Fast-Tracked Her Path into VC
July 22, 2019

EP 54: Why Catherine Lu Fast-Tracked Her Path into VC

EP 53: How Mission Bio is Helping Physicians Beat Cancer
July 21, 2019

EP 53: How Mission Bio is Helping Physicians Beat Cancer

EP 52: How Dartmouth Grads Leveraged Tech to Clean the Laundry Business
July 20, 2019

EP 52: Using Technology to Put the Dry Cleaning Industry on “Rinse and Repeat”

EP 51: How Kelsey Hunter Learned That Messaging is the Future of E-Commerce
July 18, 2019

EP 51: How Kelsey Hunter Learned That Messaging is the Future of E-Commerce

EP 50: An Answer to the Country’s Student Loan Crisis
July 10, 2019

EP 50: An Answer to the Country's Current Student Loan Crisis

EP 49: Why Robots Can’t (And Shouldn’t!) Be Fully Autonomous
July 02, 2019

EP 49: Why Robots Can't (and SHOULDN'T!) Be Fully Autonomous