The Aux Cable

The Aux Cable

030: Bucket Lists, Vlogging Daily, and Procrastination

May 04, 2017

What crazy things do we want to do in our lives? Find out when we discuss and compare our bucket lists! We also give advice about vlogging daily and pro…cras…tinating.
Question of the Week
So, what’s on your bucket list? We want to know! Do you even have a bucket list? Is it sane like Ryan’s list? Let us know here on our website, or by tweeting with #AuxCable30.

* Procrastination: A Scientific Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating
* About using the “2-minute rule”
* How to Build a New Habit: This is Your Strategy Guide
* Created for Work – Book rec from Ryan
* And All the People Unsubscribed Parody
* iProcrastinate Podcast

We can answer your questions, too! Or we can try! Either way, send us your question and we may answer it on the show!
Special thanks to Gabe Miller for our intro and outro music.