Autism, Neurodiversity and Me

Latest Episodes
Podcast #14 PECS: Collaboration between home and school with Louise Maggs
Last Updated on March 27, 2023 by Steph Reed Transcription coming soon Join the free live online PECS workshop on Thursday the 30th March. Information on how to save your free spot over on the pinned
Podcast #13 Neurodivergent teachers: ADHD with Lynn McCann
Autism Specialist Teacher Lynn McCann is on the podcast to talk about ADHD, lived experience and the impact on teaching neurodivergent students.
Podcast #12 The value of neurodiversity with Gareth Jones
TV presenter, producer, director and podcaster Gareth Jones AKA 'Gaz Top' joins Steph Reed to discuss the value of neurodiversity in the context of neurodiverse family.
Podcast #11 Ideas to help children at home during the COVID-19 crisis
Last Updated on December 13, 2022 by Steph Reed Podcast Episode Notes This is a live recording from a Facebook Live I hosted this week. It took place in a group aimed at general support through the Co
#11 Ideas to help children at home during the COVID-19 crisis
Last Updated on April 28, 2021 by Steph Reed This is a live recording from a Facebook Live I hosted this week. It took place in a group aimed at general support through the Covid-19 Crisis, in the island of Jersey, where I am from.
#10 Learning through technology with Zafer Elcik Co-Founder of Otsimo
Last Updated on June 2, 2021 by Steph Reed Zafer Elcik is the Co Founder of the Otsimo app, which has over 100 educational games created specifically with the needs of autistic learners in mind. It was great to speak to Zafer as my special guest in th...
Podcast #10 Learning through technology with Zafer Elcik Co-Founder of Otsimo
Last Updated on December 1, 2022 by Steph Reed Podcast Episode Notes Zafer Elcik is the Co Founder of the Otsimo app, which has over 100 educational games created specifically with the needs of autist
#9 The need to chew! Supporting sensory needs with Jenny McLaughlan, founder of Chewigem
In this episode of the podcast, it was a pleasure to speak with Jenny McLaughlan, the founder of Chewigem, a support community for different sensory needs. Chewigem have designed and created a range of chewing,
Podcast #9 The need to chew! Sensory needs with Jenny McLaughlan, founder of Chewigem
In this episode of the podcast, it was a pleasure to speak with Jenny McLaughlan, the founder of Chewigem, a support community for different sensory needs. Chewigem have designed and created a range o
#8 Enhancing communication opportunities: Autism and learning disabilities
In this episode, I discuss and pose questions about enhancing opportunities for communication and interaction of those with autism and complex needs. This is through adapting the environment, our teaching approach and resources, both at school and home.