Austin Mustard Seed Sermons

Austin Mustard Seed Sermons

Latest Episodes

Sermon – (5/31/20) – Pentecost Sunday – Tim Allen
June 26, 2020

“On Pentecost Sunday we consider the arrival of the Holy Spirit and what that story means to the church and the role we play in this broken and unjust world.”

Sermon – “Regathering” – April Karli
May 26, 2020

Audio from this Sunday is a mini-family meeting about our plans for re-gathering. Leaders at Austin Mustard Seed share what we’ve been been praying about and discussing with regards to COVID and how we can safely gather again.

Sermon – “The Good Shepherd” – April Karli
May 05, 2020

This Sunday April led us through John 10:1-10. We considered what Jesus meant when he used metaphors calling himself the good shepherd and a gate. Scripture and Quotes:Very truly, I tell you, anyone who does not enter the sheepfold by the gate but clim...

Sermon – “The Road to Emmaus” – April Karli
April 29, 2020

On Sunday we visited the story of the disciples on the road to Emmaus. It can be difficult to see Jesus even in the best circumstances. We were challenged to consider how to recognize Jesus’s presence with us in the midst of difficult times and grief.

Sermon – Doubting Thomas – April Karli
April 21, 2020

On Sunday April led us through the story of Thomas. Thomas expressed his need to see and touch the risen Jesus. We were asked to to consider the questions: What do you need from Jesus today? How can you receive Jesus’s peace?

Sermon – Easter Sunday – April Karli
April 13, 2020

On Easter Sunday April led us through the story of the women finding the empty tomb and asked us to consider the question, “How much hope does the resurrection bring you in light of the covid19 shutdown?” Scripture and Quotes: After the sabbath,

Sermon – Palm Sunday – Dennis R. Edwards
April 13, 2020

On Palm Sunday we were thrilled to welcome special guest speaker Dennis R. Edwards. Dennis is associate professor of New Testament at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago. He is also the author of several books including:“What is the Bible?

Sermon – Ezekiel 37 – Madelynn Marlow
April 02, 2020

For the fifth week of Lent Madelynn Marlow shared from Ezekiel 37. She encouraged us to remember God’s healing, life giving presence among us even when things feel dry and lifeless, like the valley of dry bones.

Sermon – 3/23/20 – April Karli
March 25, 2020

On Sunday we had a digital liturgy via Zoom. April shared thoughts from Psalm 23 about God’s presence and blessing with us even in the darkest valleys.Scripture and quotes: Psalm 23The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.

Sermon – Lent One: Into the Wilderness – April Karli
March 03, 2020

For the first Sunday of Lent, April Karli guided us through Jesus’s temptation in the wilderness where we considered the question: To what extent do we trust God? Scripture and quotes:Matthew 4:1-11Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wildernes...