Sounds Good

Sounds Good

Episode #5 in the making

November 17, 2006

Episode #5 will contain a very interesting interview with Christiaan Coenraads from Het Woeste Woud (”The Wild Woods”) and Levende Boeken (”Living Books”). Being the veteran Logic user that he is, he’s sharing some cool tips with us. I’m currently editing the interview and creating a section about the amazing Izotope pHATmatik Pro loop editing plugin to demonstrate loop editing with ease. The episode will go online before November 25. A huge thankyou to all of you subscribing and the many positive reactions, by email, in other podcasts and in forums. It really warms the bottom of my heart to know you are tuning in and enjoying my podcast.

I’m currently also giving lectures about podcasting here and there. Tomorrow (November 18th) I will give a lecture in the SAE Rotterdam. My previous lecture for the SAE Amsterdam is an official FeedBurner podcast. If you want to know some more about subscribing to podcasts, creating your own and/or distributing your music via the Podsafe Music Network, be sure to give it a listen!