The Edges of Dreaming

The Edges of Dreaming


January 18, 2020

"The only thing constant is change."

Everything changes. The whole world is in constant motion, from the revolution around the sun, the rotation of the planet, all the way down to the constant movement of the subatomic particles that make it — and us — up.

Change is neither bad nor good; it simply is. Our response to change, however, demonstrates who we are as individuals and as a species.

This edition of The Edges of Dreaming is about a demonstration of constant change: flowing water. We’ll hear a variety of tracks from the RadioSpiral library, including works by Lutz Thuns and Glenn Sogge, Lucette Bourdin, Max Corbacho, Cousin Silas and Head Joint, Robert Carty, Juta Takahashi, Gypsy Witch, Thom Brennan, poemme, Dan Pound, Jaime Munárriz and Glenn Sogge, usr/sbin, and EugeneKha.