The Edges of Dreaming

The Edges of Dreaming

Green to Gold

September 01, 2018

It's easy to broadly describe the principal color of the warmer seasons as "green". But the green of spring is vastly different from the green of late summer and early autumn. The light of autumn, with dust in the air and the changing angle of the sun, is warm and beautiful. Even as life is withdrawing for winter, the earth's cloak becomes its most beautiful.

On this edition of At Water's Edge, we drift through the greens of autumn with works by metlay!, Arcticology, usr/sbin, EugeneKha, Tony Gerber, poemme, Thom Brennan, Lucette Bourdin, Jack Hertz and Wolfgang Gsell, Altus (of course), M. Nomized, Cloudwalk, and Cousin Silas.