The Edges of Dreaming

The Edges of Dreaming

For the Birds! or, Avian Flew

August 25, 2018

On this edition of At Water's Edge, another of our challenge episodes, this one having birds as its basis. We received over an hour of music from five artists: Museleon, Glenn Sogge, Skoddie, playman54 and Carbonates on Mars.

The challenge was to take field recordings of coastal North Carolina birds that we recorded, and do... something... with them. As with the frogs, the field recordings had to be the only source material, but artists could do anything they liked with them -- cut them up, process them, turn them upside down, whatever. These samples were the source material.

We're winging it for the rest of the episode (see what I did there?), with tracks from the Radio Spiral library, including works by Bing Satellites, poemme, Robert Dorschel, Specta Ciera, John Vorus, Gregory Bond, Dan Pound, Shawn McClure, and Lucette Bourdin.