I Scream Sunday
I Scream Sunday #6: The Voices of Heaven, Part 2
Throughout history, humans have tried to capture our images of heaven — paradise — in many forms, through music, art, dance, film, and so much more. Today’s episode of I Scream Sunday is the second of two exploring musical visions of heaven. On today’s episode, we take a different look at the heavens of some of our artists.
- Audraulic: “Dreaming Heavens” (Split EP)
- Hendu’s Groove: “Almost Heaven” (Reflection)
- Jim Ottaway: “Beyond Heaven and Earth” (Infinite Universes)
- Alpha Wave Movement: “Mapping the Heavens” (A Distant Signal)
- Staticer: “Grey Heaven” (The Air Between Us)
- December Nightskies: “The War In Heaven” (The War In Heaven)
Visions of the heaven can be devotional, and also rational: we observe the skies, the heavens, and do what we can to map and understand them. In the second hour as usual, you’ll hear a live set from yours truly. This week it’s called Spheres of Influence and is a series of musical impressions of the seven classical Ptolemaic spheres:
- 1: Moon – she is mysterious and aloof, silver and cool
- 2: Mercury – he is fleet of foot, always in motion, and a bit mischievous
- 3: Venus – She is the embodiment of love and desire
- 4: Sun – He is both nourishing and relentlessly uncaring
- 5: Mars – He is full of blood and battle, ready for war at any moment
- 6: Jupiter – The King of the Gods, he might be a little drunk on power
- 7: Saturn – He is the keeper of time and discipline, old age and death