Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

Atenea Americana - by Stanford Hispanic Broadcasting

Chatting about the “Latino Community Foundation” with CEO Jaqueline Martinez Garcel

January 18, 2022

Today we are posting our latest conversation with the CEO of the Latino Community Foundation (LCF) Jaqueline Martinez Garcel. Jacqueline has led LCF through a critical stage of growth and expansion. The foundation leads one of the largest networks of Latino philanthropists in the country and it is the only statewide foundation solely focused on investing in Latino leaders. Jacqueline has published extensively on issues related to health equity, vulnerable populations, and community health workers. During her tenure, she developed, evaluated, and expanded programs to improve the health and quality of care for vulnerable populations. Jaquelin has been part of the foundation since 2015 and she is talking to us today about the last period and experiences of LCF, the state of the foundation during the pandemic, the events during the last year, and the activities of their giving circles. LCF was a pioneer in implementing giving circles, inspiring Latinos towards philanthropy, while helping causes of their choice. The “Giving Circles” create a safe space where people can show up as their full selves. This provides an opportunity for authentic conversations and presentations from the members which creates a special, unique sazon (flavor) in each Giving Circle.  LCF gathering in Berkeley California, [...]