A Strong Woman for Strong Women

Making Real Change — Part 1 with Marissa Davitt (Ep. 13)
Do you create new year’s resolutions? How many of you actually fulfill them?
While 80 to 90% of all new year’s resolutions are forgotten early in the year, you’re still on time to turn those resolutions into real changes.
In this episode, Marissa Davitt, Life & Health Coach, joins Erica Cummings to talk about the steps you need to reset your life to create and maintain your goals and habits. From unpacking the truth about internal and external motivation, Marissa shares her expertise on how to make step-by-step transformations to feel engaged, inspired, and fulfilled.
Marissa discusses:
- The ‘compound effect’ and how it can help you feel unstuck
- The three levels of change: behaviors, belief, and identity
- Tips to step out of the ‘fear of the unknown’
- What you should know about building and maintaining your identity
- The role of our attitude and mindset when it comes to habits and levels of awareness
- And more!
- “The Compound Effect” by Harren Hardy
- “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell
- “Atomic Habits” by James Clear
Connect with Marissa Davitt:
Connect with Erica Cummings:
- erica.cummings@rbc.com
- (585) 423-2141
- Harmony Financial Wellness
- LinkedIn: Erica Cummings
- LinkedIn: RBC Wealth Management
- Facebook: Harmony Financial Wellness
About Our Guest:
Marissa Davitt is a certified Life & Health Coach and Mental Health Counselor. Her goal is to help smart individuals create clarity and success and feel amazing again in their habits, health, and relationships. Marissa works with her clients in a very holistic way, where they make shifts that transform them inside and out.