A Strong Woman for Strong Women

Latest Episodes
Making Real Change — Part 2 with Marissa Davitt (Ep. 14)
Oftentimes, the best motivation comes from within. So, instead of trying to emulate someone elses success, why dont we delve deep into our own inner desires? In this episode, Marissa Davitt, Life &
Making Real Change — Part 1 with Marissa Davitt (Ep. 13)
Do you create new years resolutions? How many of you actually fulfill them? While 80 to 90% of all new years resolutions are forgotten early in the year, youre still on time to turn those resolutio
Support Through Leadership with Shareen Luze (Ep. 12)
As employees lifestyles have shifted during the pandemic, now more than ever, having it all together is not always a realistic expectation. So, how have female leadership roles evolved? How crucia
What You Should Know About Preparing for Change — Part 2 (Ep.11)
When faced with unexpected life changes that lead to greater independence, many women feel lost. Whether it be the loss of a spouse, a divorce, retirement, or becoming financially independent, the tr
What You Should Know About the Stages of Transition — Part 1 (Ep.10)
In life, changes and transitions are inevitable. But change can interfere with our daily lives: From forcing us to adapt to new routines, new relationships, and new surroundings to compromising our e
What You Should Know About Money Mindset — Part 2 (Ep.9)
Re-evaluating and questioning your beliefs about money is an important part of everyones financial life. Sometimes, the foundational beliefs you have about money can actually be the reason you are no
What You Should Know About Money Mindset — Part 1 (Ep.8)
A healthy money mindset is a baseline for a healthy and rich life. However, creating this foundation is often tricky. In the first part of this miniseries, Erica Cummings explores the emotions and fee
7. The Stress Involved in Real Estate With Michelle Corsi
Buying or selling a home can be one of the biggest times of stress in your life. During times like these, it can be immensely helpful to have a professional by your side. In this episode, real estate
6. Master Your Mindset with Meg Burton Tudman
Learning to address your emotional strength and master your mindset can help you create the life you envision. In this episode, Erica Cummings sits down with Meg Burton Tudman to reveal the different
5. How to Regain Your Financial Strength After COVID-19
The past year and a half has had a tremendous impact on us financially and emotionally. As we come out of this pandemic, it is vital that we follow some best practices to recover our strength in these areas. In this episode,