Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

A Quick Thought

May 03, 2023

Hello Everyone! Hope you are all well.

Just getting back into the swing of things after a trip to the UK and several bank holidays back to back in Italy.

It’s incredible how sometimes we may have an OBE then it completely disappears from our mind only to pop up again later on in the day. Recently I was reading a post about a friend’s OBE and I suddenly remembered that I had had one in the early hours of that day.

The feeling suddenly came back to me, that feeling of being focused away from the physical body flying free. Not that I don’t like being in my physical body, but I have to admit I do get a feeling of relief, as I enjoy being a bit lighter, the human body can at times feel rather dense.

I was in a place with other people who were out-of-body too, one was called Amadeus, we were chatting, but I don’t really remember what about. It was one of those experiences which was more real than real. It just felt so good to be in that place, wherever it was.

Experiencing out-of-body experiences I would say helps you cope with life on Earth as you realise the trials and tribulations that we experience here are not the be all and end all. While chatting to the people I mentioned earlier, although we did mention Earth at one point, it was without emotional involvement as if it was simply something that was happening, yet we felt a bit distant from it.

Ironically, I would say that OBEs often bring you back in a full circle, they bring you back to Earth to live fully as a human being. You start to go inside to discover who you truly are, you have many adventures, discover past lives, deal with negative energy, help people out where you can, talk to trees and plants, encounter all sorts of magical beings, ride dragons and meet shamans, plus sooooo much more, then you come back to who you are on Earth and realise that also humanity is a part of who you are, and has given you many experiences that you could have not have had in any other place. It had to be Earth.