Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

We Are Not Our Identity

March 10, 2023

I am more than my physical body… This is the beginning of the famous quote by Robert Monroe. It always reminds me of the times I’ve woken up in my physical body and had to wait for the download of who I am to complete. A few times after an OBE I’ve woken up and I’ve had to ask myself the question, which me am I? For a second I lie there with an empty head, I have no idea of which identity I am focused in, in that present moment.

The first time it happened it was a bit freaky but then afterwards when I thought about it, it actually made sense, after all we are spiritual beings with a physical body which serves as a kind of interface to enable us to experience life on Earth. We are not our identity. Indeed rather symbolically sometimes in an OBE I place my bag somewhere knowing I can pick it up later, my bag represents my identity. So I leave my present identity behind so I can pick it up later when I re-enter my body.

I remember when I was a child walking home from school asking myself the question, ‘Who am I?’ No one can really answer that question but yourself. To really understand you have to find out for yourself using whichever path you choose to do it. I tried philosophy at first when I was older to try and answer my question but I decided you can never get the true answer from a book, sure you can believe what is written in a book but experience is knowing.

Waking up and not remembering who I am for a second or two, illustrates something very important. That our identity on Earth is made up of memories, but if you take those memories away you do not self-destruct and disappear off the face of the Earth, you remain in your physical body and continue your life. So we are not our memories, we are not who we THINK we are.

We are programmed to operate in this world, but I believe the present program seriously needs an update. Coming back to the physical after some OBEs makes me feel as if I’ve come back to some sort of cartoon world where truth is drowned out and humanity is a watery version of what it could be.

One of the benefits of having OBEs is that you get a bigger picture of who we really are and what we are truly capable of, this is why humanity has always been manipulated, this is why ‘the powers that be’ are always trying to divide us by setting us against each other. While we are spending time arguing we are not following our hearts and growing into the humans we are meant to be.

So remember we are not our identity, we are more than our physical body….

And on that note I will leave you. If you’d like to continue this discussion or start another equally interesting please pop over to and join our community. I’d love to see you there!