Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast


January 10, 2023

Happy New Year Everyone!

I’ve been having a bit of a strange time with very few experiences, lots of dreams yes, but not many OBEs. It is strange as usually this time of year when the weather is cooler I find it easier.

I had one rather disturbing experience where I didn’t even get to leave my body but was lying in bed, in mind awake/body asleep with an ugly looking insect type entity on top of me trying to stuff my duvet in my mouth. It was one of those scary ones where I couldn’t get hold of my emotions. However I was also watching the scene as an observer could see the insect in full. Now it could be that I had ended up with the duvet over my head when sleeping, couldn’t breathe properly and my mind made up this scene. However, I doubt this as I’m always hot at night and usually the cover is half way down the bed. Maybe someone somewhere is trying to shut me up lol.

Anyway, I have been trying all my usual techniques to get out of body and nothing seemed to be working, I had exhausted all my collection of cds I sometimes listen to to help me out. The room I’m in at the mo isn’t my favourite for OBEs but I have still manage to have them in it. I remembered a gamma frequency track I have so I dug it out, I have never listened to it while asleep so I thought I’d give it a try. It worked, finally I’m out again. It goes like this.

I am asleep in my old bedroom in England and I wake up in that body, obviously already in the astral, regular listeners will know I have used my house and garden in England as a sort of astral base camp. I get up out of that sleeping body, I’m am aware but it seems so real I feel I should check before I jump through the window to make sure I am in the astral. I jump in the air to see if I float and I do. I fly through the window, it feels so good to be out, I feel so light and free, there is a lovely atmosphere in the garden and a few animals are running around, a young dear-like animal comes over and I stroke it. Along one side of the garden are windows to other houses but they look more like shop fronts, usually there are simply gardens. it is as if the shop/house front has things in it depicting what family life is like inside the house. One house front looks as if it is decorated for Christmas, I peer in but I hear a noise and I didn’t want to be seen. At the end of the garden is a stone wall and an old lady comes out of a door. There is a frightened child near me and the old lady says that it would help to ‘hang the cords out’ I have no idea what she meant by this but I got the image in my mind of a pair of old ballet shoes hanging somewhere.

At this point I wake up. It’s a shame it didn’t last any longer so I could go deeper into what was happening but I’m so happy I managed an exit, it kind of helps to take away a bit of physical reality ‘heaviness’ and it is always so good to be flying around my astral garden.

Thanks for listening!