Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

Motivation to Astral Project

December 05, 2022

Hello, today I thought I would do a quick episode while I’m on my walk. So if the sound quality isn’t as good as usual, it’s because I’m outside and it’s rush hour, which means rush hour in Italy is actually lunchtime because everyone’s rushing home to have their lunch, in Italy lunch is still a big event. I thought I would talk a little bit about motivation with projection and out of body experiences if you don’t do the practice, if you don’t take time to focus on this skill, you may lose it or you may not have experiences as often, so we do need to be motivated.

My motivation is that through astral projection I have managed to change my perspective of the world and continually having these experiences continually maintains this more global perspective of life and the world and what is happening. Sometimes nothing brings greater relief than actually being able to change perspective out of the three dimensional reality because we are so blocked in this reality.

Even having out-of-body experiences you still realize that you are still influenced so much by life on Earth, life in the physical reality. For example, in the astral often we have clothes, we have a body, we speak when in reality we are not these things. We don’t have a body. We don’t need clothes, and we certainly don’t need to speak.

We can do everything telepathically. So this is what my motivation is – it’s to keep giving my mind that global perspective because it is so easy to lose it as we are so ingrained in our physical lives and it is so easy to, to just lose ourselves in our physical lives. So this is my motivation for doing astral projection, for doing the practice.

I always say astral projection, but I mean out-of-body experiences in general, spiritual growth, this sort of thing. Because we need to get out of this loop that we seem to be stuck in. And I think humanity for hundreds of years has been falling into a deep hole that we now need to get out of and we need to expand our consciousness and a great way of doing that is through astral projection and out-of-body experiences. Because once you have your first experience, there’s no doubt, you can’t doubt that your consciousness changed its perspective, that’s what happens. you change your focus and you look at things, from a different viewpoint, and I think that’s really what we need to do now.

It seems to me that we’ve come to a make or break point in our history, at least our present history. I’m sure there were other civilizations way, way back that became out of harmony with where they lived, with nature, which is where we seem to be at the moment, out of harmony with nature, and we need to get back into harmony and we need to expand our perspectives on how we view nature and the world and the Earth and our relationship to it, and I think astral projection and out-of-body experiences are a great way to do this and this is what motivates me. The more you focus on it, you find the more it happens, the more you dream, the more you lucid dream and the more you end up in the astral or on other planes, because obviously there are other planes other than the astral.

You can go far beyond the astral. In fact, that is where our true home is, it is where our true selves reside, but of course, we reside here too and I think we need to grow into our humanity, we need to expand our consciousness. So if you need any motivation, this should motivate you. Get out of the loop. We need to get out of the loop we’re stuck in and we need to get our minds less ingrained in this physical reality. We need to expand out of it. Anyway, I’m gonna continue with my walk and have a much deserved cappuccino at the end, so I’ll see you all next time. Bye for now.