Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

I Am Consciousness

November 13, 2022

I never get tired of repeating how the affirmation ‘Now I’m out-of-body’ works for me, my latest experience is no exception as I believe it is this affirmation that causes me to wake up already in the astral or wherever I may be.

I had woken up several times during the night and each time I went back to sleep I repeated the affirmation over and over. Although it is better if affirmations are said out loud it’s not always possible and they work with me even if I say them in my mind.

So I go back to sleep repeating now I m out of body now I’m out of body. I fall asleep then after a while I suddenly become aware, I am aware though it is not a lucid dream, I wake up already out of body. I am in a place that isn’t really a place but very difficult to describe I am surrounded by sort of stars though they aren’t stars they are more like lights in the distance. Who knows maybe I am one of those shining lights as I don’t feel like I have a body.

For some reason I say to myself I am consciousness. It is all sooo real, I have no thoughts of anything in particular, no thoughts about doing or going anywhere, I seemed to just be there. The physical world was not present in my thoughts, it was far far away.

There was no real sense of time and I have no idea how long it all lasted but when I woke up it felt extremely profound and meaningful though if you asked me what was meaning ful about it I wouldnt be able to explain. Some things I guess you just have to experience.

Now back in the physical world, it, that is the physical world, is so concentrated and intense, maybe this is one of the reasons out-of-body travel feels so good as it brings a bit of relief from the intensity of life on Earth. I think this is why it feels so good to be out in nature as well it takes some of the pressure off for a while.

We tend to accept what life is like here probably because we have nothing really to compare it to, I have read from several sources that not all souls decide to incarnate on Earth because of the intensity of life here and the way we can feel cut of from source, even though we are always connected, it certainly can feel that way at times. Out-of-body experiences certainly give you another way to look at things, it’s like being taken out of a situation and looking at it objectively without the emotional involvement which is extremely refreshing.

Finally something to think about, if I am consciousness then so is everyone so why do we make life on Earth so complicated?

Thanks for listening/reading,

Happy travels.

