Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

God Spoke to Me

August 03, 2022

May 2 2022

I don’t actually remember how I got to the astral but this often happens to me, maybe because of the affirmation that I often use ‘ now I am out of body’. I am in my village in the UK, I know instinctively that I am in the astral. It feels so good to be flying free, I feel so light and full of joy. I am flying fast and throwing somersaults in the air over the common, then suddenly this very small boy comes flying onto the common and boy can he fly fast, he comes towards me and I take him in my hand, he is very small, he tells me he is Peter Pan. I tell him I would like to fly like him and ask him if he could give me some of his magic dust, the fairy dust in the story. He moves a little away from me and changes into an animal, his eyes glow green as if he is projecting something to me. I think I see my eyes glow green to but I can’t be sure. I say see my eyes glow green as often in these experiences you can see yourself too as a sort of observer. Then I fly up in the air, everything seems to have a wonderful depth to it. The Peter Pan character disappears and I am flying in such a beautiful place the sky is incredible shades of pink I feel love in my heart and through my heart try to connect to God/the Source/ the Creator, whichever term you use. I hear a deep voice in my mind, the voice carries such power, wisdom and knowledge, I know it is the voice of God, if God could have a voice. In the astral things get funneled down so we can make sense of them, we live in a world or form and so this is often reflected when travelling and communicating in the astral. Also sometimes what seem like words in the astral on re-entering the physical we discover there are no equivalents here. In fact a lot of what is said to me I can’t bring back. However, there was one thing that God said to me that I remember ‘Even a bad day is a miracle.’  

I thought about this when I woke up and I realised that all days are the same, from the point of view of the sun rising and setting, indeed each day looked at from the perspective as a new day on the Earth with the sunrise and all the plants and animals waking up etc is truly a miracle but us humans make each day into a good or bad day depending on what happens and how we view it. So in a certain sense yes even a bad day is a miracle.

I also think that an important thing about this experience is communication with the Divine and how we can open up the channel through our hearts. The eyes of Peter Pan/animal character glow green, as do mine, green and pink are both associated with the heart chakra. I remember distinctly a feeling in the area of my heart chakra just before I am flying in the beautiful pink sky, I felt as if something clicked into place and a channel opened. It was a wonderful experience.

Happy travels!