Astral Projection Podcast

Astral Projection Podcast

A Little Healing Goes a Long Way

May 23, 2022

Nov 27 2021

Because of the difficulty in remembering the order or multiple OBEs the order of the below may be different, but I will put them together as best as I can.

I wake up in the mind awake body asleep state and go towards the window. It is a little dark and the window seems a little difficult to get through, at the time of this experience I was working on a new project concerned with healing so in the OBE I think maybe I am not supposed to go anywhere but here in my room and give myself some healing. So I go back to my bed with the thought in mind that I might get dragged back into my physical body. However, once at my bed I see that there is no sleeping body so I presume I am in an astral version of my room. In healing, intention is very important so I thought even if my physical body isn’t visible using intention the healing might get where I want it to go. Now I don’t have anything in particular wrong with me just the usual menopause related stuff, but healing for me goes deeper than having something seriously wrong in the physical body. There may be energy centres which need to be realigned, or even something brewing that I’m not aware of, there are many things that we may not be conscious of. So I float above the place where my sleeping body would be in the physical and send healing energy into it. As I am doing so I see thin strands of silver and little balls or spheres of gold fall onto the bed. Then I wake up once again awake in my sleeping body.

I get out again this time manage to get through the window, it is dark outside I demand light more than once and slowly it becomes a little lighter. I thank the Divine for the OBEs I am having and ask to be filled with divine light. After that I feel invincible and take off the jacket I’m wearing, maybe this represents the shedding of physical energies, raising my level of vibration. I just want to fly fast and I feel as if I am exploding with energy. I am naked on top but aware that I might happen upon an astral place which requires me to be clothed so I keep the jacket with me. I have a vision of a city where the buildings are exploding violently, no one is getting hurt it is as if there is a discharge of energy that is in a way relieving. As if the energy cannot be contained and has to be changed into something else, I see flames as the buildings explode. Large orange flames.

The memory starts to fade I fly into some sort of sports field but I can’t remember anything that makes sense.

I’m back in my body, mind aware, body asleep I get up out of my body and try to go through the window again but it is small and I get the feeling I need to go downstairs, there is someone down there but the memory of this escapes me.

I think I ended up up back in my body a couple more times and had a couple more OBEs but I can remember only snippets so nothing would really make sense.

I have to say that after all that healing and energy I didn’t feel any different that morning but as I said before we don’t often know at what level we are working, or even what we are working on, I usually leave the decisions to my higher self, I did at one point in one of the OBEs say ‘Take me where I need to be,’ but I’ m not sure at which point. It all started to get a bit confusing after being in and out a few times.

In the last few years I have been investigating various methods of healing based on natural methods, for example Reiki, Sound Therapy, being around nature,  astral healing and healing through dreams. My OBEs have led me to this path, for many of my experiences have involved helping people out of their traumas, indeed even at the end of the above OBEs I remember a vivid dream about an extremely violent father who was hurting his son, so it’s possible that it is all related somehow.

Our health issues are not confined to the physical body, this is where they manifest, but they actually start energetically. Using astral projection we can investigate the source of our problems, using sound therapy and other such methods we can realign our frequencies to that of harmony, we can do many things to help ourselves.

Out-of-body experiences are certainly fascinating and can contribute a great deal to our own individual healing as well as that of others, of course we can’t see the bigger picture so I believe we do need to trust our higher selves to know what we should be doing while we are out there, indeed while we are also awake in the physical.